POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Using different image maps with different clock values : Re: Using different image maps with different clock values Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:58:55 EST (-0500)
  Re: Using different image maps with different clock values  
From: nathan 2002
Date: 29 Aug 2002 12:15:07
Message: <web.3d6e475fbc6d480690cc6b70@news.povray.org>
So then it would be somthing like...

> #declare Scene = pigment {
>  image_map {png concat("d:\\povray\\book\\scene", str(clock*180/.75,-3,0), ".png")
>    map_type  2  interpolate  2 } }
>So maybe number the images sequentially? How many are there and how often do
>you want the image to change?

The embeded scene would have 180 frames, I guess the clock wouldn't matter
after rendered.

the frame scene has the following properties:
+ki0 +kf0.75 +kfi1 +kff180

so in the "str(clock*180/.75,-3,0)", what do the -3 and 0 mean?

I'd try it myself but my computer only runs at 200Mhz...


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